“Be the change you wish to see in the World”

Wij helpen je graag 010-411 31 60 – info@mystiek.nl

Rotterdam, December 2022

Dear People,

We close this year with a Light-message to everyone. And with good news. To start with the latter:

The world is in transition and man is awakening.

We see it, we feel it and we know it. The “old world” no longer functions and implodes. It was written in the stars, it’s all cosmically determined. But what a confusion that brings. This is so new, we have never experienced this before. A very special process that affects everyone. Everything falters. The outside world, society no longer seems what it used to be, the economy is creaking and the government is becoming too coercive. Things just don’t add up anymore. Everything seems to be in need of renewal. Our inner world also needs an upgrade. We no longer find happiness in buying things, or acquiring a certain status. We are lost, far from our nature and have lost touch with our authenticity. But it gets better. Man wakes up, comes to insight and becomes aware of who he /she really is. The transition we are in now invites everyone to come to spiritual awakening. Whoever puts energy and time into it has the cosmic wind in his sails. It is liberating and enriching. Not easy, but very worthwhile. We have to reinvent ourselves, as it were. You need insight and courage. Insight is awareness. Be aware of who you are, what you want and what you can do. And also be aware of the interplay of forces that is now going on on Earth. Not everyone is happy with this transition. So what is real and what is false and where is the truth. Yes, this winter we all have to go out on the slippery ice, (re)discover what we stand for, dare to stick out our truth and our neck again. That New World is not coming, we have to put energy into it. Fortunately, this is already happening in full and more and more. Beautiful initiatives are born from our collective heart for and with each other.

Thinking with our Heart

Connecting with like-minded people is the basis for our New World, a real heart-borne human world. Where technology will have an appropriate serving and not a coercive role. We’ve gone a little bit too far. We’re going to do that differently. We don’t want to become a cyborg. Cyborgs don’t cuddle with each other. So cold.

Free will and choices

We have the free will to change the circumstances of our lives. All the time. You can set something in motion, go along with something or reject something. What is no longer right or does not feel good can be let go. What feels good invites you. Walk the paths of renewal in your life and rediscover the power and possibilities you carry within you. Free yourself from fearful or negative beliefs. They are pointless. Find confidence, peace and security from a deep knowing of who you really are.

The future is for us. We don’t give them up. That’s why we’re here now. To leave a livable, human and loving world for our children. That is the meaning of our existence.


2022 was a special year. At times very busy at our spiritual shop Mystiek in Rotterdam. Sometimes even too busy. We try to do everything we can to maintain the atmosphere in the store and to give the customers appropriate attention. That doesn’t always work. We apologize for that. But above all, we would like to express our thanks for your spending and trust in our store. Hopeful that the youth has discovered Mystiek. It says a lot about the awareness and change that is currently taking place.


2023 promises to be a magical year. If we want to, believe in it and have confidence in it. So together we’re going to do that. And of course, it doesn’t all go the way we’d like it to. That’s inherent in the process. The transition to a new World is in full swing. Bumps are there to be taken. As long as we let the Light shine and show it to others, the sky is the limit: NOTHING IS GOING TO STOP US.

On behalf of all employees of Mystiek, we wish you a warm, cozy and loving Christmas.

Give Light!

Rob van der Sluis (rob@mystiek.nl)


Give Light
For a way out of the dark
For what is often not there
So give Light
Give Light
Give everything you have
Give love a face..
(Stef Bos)