“Be the change you wish to see in the World”

Wij helpen je graag 010-411 31 60 – info@mystiek.nl

Rotterdam, December 11, 2023

Dear people,

We are on our way to true Peace on Earth. That New World is coming. But that doesn’t happen without a struggle. The current turmoil in the world and perhaps also the imbalance in ourselves are inevitable for the transition phase we are now in. From Pisces to Aquarius Age. From head to heart. From 3D to 5D. Do you remember? Society is in need of renewal. That much is clear. However, we do not yet agree on the new direction.

Understand what’s going on

We are now at a crossroads. On the one hand, they want to hold on to the old world and actually build on technological developments. It is the old (existing) order that aspires to a transhumanist and technocratic society. Individual freedom and happiness will take on a different meaning. On the other hand, you see more and more people waking up from the madness of the matrix in which we live. This is evolution from the source of our existence. From the essence that we are as human beings. From our heart and soul, with Love. In connection with the cosmos and from the possibilities that this cosmos offers us. It’s The Great Reset versus The Great Awakening. The two don’t go together. It is a choice that we face as humanity. It’s a choice we have to make individually. Be aware of that and act accordingly. Choosing gives strength, direction and creation. Your choice matters. Your will matters and is heard. Our will matters and is heard. And together we are strong on our path to a better world.

Nothing is as it seems

Tumult, confusion and violence are now the order of the day. The truth is also violated. Those who cannot let go of the old become creative in action. Who or what can you still believe? What else is a yardstick? It feels like quicksand. The world is in crisis and absurdity is rampant. The lie reigns and we humans allow ourselves to be pitted against each other in all confusion. We react to information and allow ourselves to be dragged from one conflict to another. Don’t fall for it! Don’t participate in it. Take a step back, turn inwards and listen to your inner voice. That’s where all the answers are, that’s where you’ll find the truth. That’s where you can hold on to.

How long is this going to take?

We are on our way and will have to live the desired change. With each other and for each other. In connection with each other instead of against each other from division. And we will really have to free ourselves from the forces that sustain the old world. By not being afraid. By ignoring them. By laughing them off. We are much stronger. Do what you have to do, but above all, do it with your heart. And dare to say no to things that don’t feel right. Stand up for yourself. Be courageous and loving. Stay in faith, there is more than hope. Something beautiful is on the horizon. And we are going to experience it. You are going to experience it: Peace on Earth. How beautiful is that. That New World is in the making. Join. It’s going to be fine.

From our beacon Mystiek we wish you a Merry Christmas. For 2024 lots of wisdom, confidence, strength. courage and Love.

In Love on behalf of all employees of Mystiek,

Rob van der Sluis (rob@mystiek.nl)